ERMCO 2015 Kongresi Bildirileri



Recycling Rinsing Water of Truck Mixers in Ready-Mixed Concrete Production

M. Hulusi Ozkul, U. Anıl Dogan

Effects of Recycled Aggregate Ratio on Properties of Fresh Concrete

Yeşim Tosun, Remzi Şahin

Use of Recovered Aggregates and Recycled Materials in JIS A 5308:2014-Ready-Mixed Concrete

Yukikazu Tsuji, Yasuji Itou

A New System Enabling Complete Use of Recycled Water in Batching Plants

Mustafa Şen, M. Çağrı Şen, Ayla Şalap, Ender Derin, Çoskun Sarıkayaoğlu

Mixing Method to Mitigate The Negative Effects of Recycled Aggregate Water Absorption in Concrete Technology

M. Eckert, M. Oliveira

Carbonation Resistance: Accelerated Determination and Conformity Assessment Based on Swiss Standard Method

F. Moro, S. Cuchet

The Pros and Cons of Specifying Strength at 91 Days

T A Harrison

Concrete for A Better Sustainability of Building

Vincent Waller, Olivier Collin, Jean-Marc Potier

Life Cycle Assessment of Residential Buildings: A Comparison Between Reinforced Concrete, Steel and Wood Structures

Borroni Marco

Concretes with High Durability Performance Containing CEM III/B Type of Slag Cement

Mehmet Tahir Turgut, Bora Yağlı

Examination of Chloride Migration of Different Concrete Mix Designs with Different Binder Combinations and Water to Binder Ratios over Time

Göktuğ Aktaş, Arda Işık, Cenk Kılınç, Tümer Akakın, Seyhan Satılmış

Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Short and Long Term ASR Test Results

Gülden Keskin, Yılmaz Akkaya, Mehmet Ali Taşdemir, Tahir Turgut, Hasan Açık

Effect of Binder Type and Water/Binder Ratio on Chloride Penetration Depth of Concrete Exposed to Actual Marine Environment

Hilmi Aytaç, Hüseyin L. Sevin, Ahsanollah Beglarigale, Hüseyin Yiğiter, Halit Yazıcı

Evaluation of Rapid Chloride Ingress in Concretes Incorporating Silica Fume

Şakir Erdoğdu, Ufuk Kandil

Assessment of Concrete Durability of New Panama Canal Locks Through The Use of Resistivity

C. Andrade, N. Rebolledo, F. Tavares, R. Pérez, M. Baz

A Holistic Perspective on The Role of Concrete Admixtures for Sustainable Concrete Construction

Ara A. Jeknavorian

Frost Resistance and Water Impermeability As Main Factors of Concrete Durability in Russian Exposure


Aerogel-Incorporated Concrete: Mechanical Analysis and Durability Performance

Savaş Erdem, Ezgi Gürbüz

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Concrete Mix Design Alternatives for Impermeability

Göktuğ Aktaş, Yılmaz Akkaya, Can Bilal, Muhittin Tarhan, Aslı Özbora Tarhan

Combined Effects of Temperature and Waiting Time on The Rheology of ECC

Müzeyyen Balçıkanlı, Erdoğan Özbay , Mete Arslan, Mohamed Lachemi

Enhancing Community Resiliency with Ready Mixed Concrete

Tien Peng

Model European Environmental Product Declarations for Concrete Admixtures

Trevor Grounds

Product Category Rules for Concrete TC 104 SC1 TG 20 Activities

Jean-Marc Potier

Sustainability – A Driver for Concrete Innovation

H. Justnes, T. A. Martius-Hammer

Combating ASR to Enable Usage of Local Aggregates in Turkey

Robert C Lewis, Elif Bayrak

Tool for Generation of EPDS in Norwegian Concrete Industry

Mie Vold, Trond Edvardsen, Anne Rønning

How Concrete Scores in The Main Environmental Assessment Programs

Kajsa Byfors, Malin Löfsjögård

Sustainability and Green Trends in Concrete Versus Common Sense

Michal Števula

Environmental Costs Indicator for Concrete

Leo J.G. Dekker

Product Transparency: North American Experiences Towards EPDS, CSRS and HPDS for Concrete

Tien Peng

Concrete Pumping Operations for 3rd Bosphorus Bridge Project

Göktuğ Aktaş, Hayri Pirgon, Hüseyin Bulu, Tarkan Büyükbaşaran, Abdullah Ceylan, Seyhan Satılmış, Yılmaz Akkaya

The Panama Canal Expansion Project: 100 Years Dividing The Land and Unifying The World

Gary de La Rosa Insignares

Permeable Concrete Pavements: The Requirements, Use and Methods of Application

Aldona Wcisło

Determination of Temperature Variation for Different Concrete Classes of Airport Rigid Pavements Using Laboratory Studies

Mehmet T. Seferoğlu , Muhammet V. Akpinar, Ayşegül G. Seferoğlu

Use of Roller Compacted Concrete in Composite Solutions for Highways

Steve Crompton

Concrete Pavements in Tunnels: The Sustainable Choice

Giuseppe Marchese

Exposed Aggregate Concrete Surfaces – Durability, Functionality and Aesthetics

Aldona Wcisło

Concrete Road Construction in Eskisehir

Fulya Gülen, Erman Derin, Gökhan Arıkoglu, Önder Kırca

Development of A Polymer-Modified Lightweight Mortar for The Repair of Exposed Concrete Facades on Historic Buildings

Murat Ünal, Götz Hüsken, Hans-Carsten Kühne

Strength Development, Formwork Removal and Temperature Controlled Casting of Concrete in A High-Rise Building

Ali Elmaskaya, Mehmet Ali Taşdemir

Use of Control Charts in Production and Conformity Control – Case Study

Ceyda Sülün

Assessment of Concrete Compressive Strength in Structures

T A Harrison

Realtime Monitoring of Hydration Temperature and Compressive-Strength-Development of Concrete

Alexander Reinisch, Wilko van der Meer, Toine van Casteren

Concrete Rheology Characterization: An Easy Way

S.Moro, R.Magarotto, F.Moratti, G.Aykan

Introducing A New Class of Superplasticizers for Highly Viscous Concrete Mixes

Jan Kluegge, Gulnihal Aykan

Synergy of Cement Type CEM I 42.5 R and Plasticizing Admixtures

Murat Kabadayı, Seda Eren, Y. Oğuz Aydinç, Burhan Manzak, Erbil Öztekin

The Effects of Cement Produced with PAAF Compounds, to Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete

Hakan Gülseren, Uğur Ersen Şenbil

UK Procedures for The Use of Additions As Part of Cement in Concrete

Chris A Clear

Enhanced Strength Porous Concrete for Safety Applications

Ayda. S. Agar Ozbek, Jaap Weerheijm, Klaas van Breugel

A Comparative Study on The Thermo-Physical Properties of Light-Weight, Normal-Weight and High-Strength Concrete

Fevziye Aköz, Nabi Yüzer, Nihat Kabay, Ahmet B. Kızılkanat, Büşra Aktürk

Effect of Heat Insulation on Temperature Development of Mass Concrete

İsmail Akkoyun, Hilmi Aytaç, Hüseyin L. Sevin, Can Bilal, Yılmaz Akkaya

Effects of Macro-Synthetic Fibers on Mechanical Behavior and Permeability Properties of Concrete

Mertcan Sarı, Cengiz Şengül, Yılmaz Akkaya, Fatih Özalp, Ömer Kaya, Mehmet Ali Taşdemir

Effect of SO3 Content in The Mixture on Drying Shrinkage of Heat-Treated and Non-Heat-Treated Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes

Ali H. Nahhab, Mehmet Gesoğlu, Erhan Güneyisi, Halit Yazıcı

Concrete with Coarse Aggregate From Glass Porous Granules - GPG

Davidjuk A.N.

Effect of Air Voids on Hybrid Concrete for Sustainable Bridge Deck Overlay

Kyong-Ku Yun, Kyong Namkung, Kyeo-Re Lee, Seung-Yeon Han, Gyu-Young Han

Creating Customer and Company Value by Using Concrete Transport Optimisation During Planning and Real Time

Paul Flachskampf, Julien Drevon, Thomas Bergmans

Communication Campaign for Vocational Occupation

Olaf Assbrock, Michael Buchmann

Concrete: Vital Asset to Our Local Economies: A Common Action of Cement, Precast Concrete, Ready-Mix Concrete and Admixture Associations

Alain Camus

Increasing The Total Weight of Four-Axle Vehicles: Impact on Infra-structure, Environment and Economy

Thomas Hoffmann

Industrialisation of Concrete Innovations in Latin America and The Caribbean

C. Diaz Jorge, D. Zampini

Market Development: The UK Experience

Andrew J. Minson

Quality Scheme for Ready Mixed Concrete: From Self-Regulation to Third-Party Control

Vijay R. Kulkarni, Ravishankar Mahadevappa

Market Challenges for Concrete Machinery

Renato Biavati, Marco Brambati